Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Business Note #2: Desire vs. Fear


"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure."

I ran across this above quote by Bill Cosby on the header of one of my e-mail accounts..
Very inspirational.
With this said, I admit...I have chosen the worse time to start my own business! The economy...well, you need to explain...
Like others, I have fear...lots of it...

I fear that my business won't succeed and that I will be doing Social Work for the rest of my life (and end up insane b/c that's the path of a life time Social Worker...really...sort of...).
I have fear that I will be stuck with my debt.
I have fear that I might screw-up really bad and have my house foreclosed...
I have fear that my wife's car will breakdown soon and I won't get a loan to purchase another one b/c of my debt...
I have fear that I might not book another gig...
I have fear that my fotos suck...
I have fear that clients won't like me...
I have fear that I might do or say something wrong to a client...and then the word will spread to every bride getting married in the next couple of years...
I have fear that while I'm at a gig, my contact lens will break and I will have forgotten to pack a spare one...
I have fear that b/c there's 1 million photographers in Jacksonville alone, I don't stand a chance...
I have fear that b/c the economy is the way it is, people cannot afford me...
I have fear that my style of photography might scare folks...
I have fear that I might not book a wedding b/c I do not shave...
I have fear that people won't take me serious...
I have fear that people might think I'm too serious...
I have fear that people won't like my blog and will not consider me for their gig b/c of it...
I have fear that my gear might get stolen or damaged...
I have a desire to try to do something I love, because if I don't, I will have blown my chance to find a better way of life for myself and my family!

See, my DESIRE to succeed is greater than all of my fears put together, multiplied by every imaginable number (including infinity)...maybe I'm out of my mind, but My DESIRE conquers all my fears!

In another post, I will make a Desire List.

In the meantime, I encourage everyone not to let their fears get in the way of their dreams...or goals...
Go after what you want...don't hold might miss out on an opportunity to make your life better!


  1. ezra, if i may humbly share some thoughts...

    in this current climate, we all have fears. from the corporate giant to the small business man, we're all plodding through this downturn very carefully. we're all pulling back on expenses; we're all managing debt; we're all looking for future opportunity; we're managing margin. big or small, we're no different except for the size and scale. imagine if you had 10-15 employees and their families relying on your success to stay afloat?

    personally, i try not to focus on fear. now, i'm not saying i'm living with my head in the sand but we choose where we spend our mental energy. being cautious is one thing. being fearful is another. focus on success and i believe you will have success even if success means just surviving these economic hardships!

  2. I don't dwell on my fears...I'm a reasonable person...I know what I'm up against...these are simply fears that may have come across my mind maybe for 5 seconds...or 5 minutes...but not much longer...well, except for the one fear of my contact lens breaking...this I do fret often???

  3. Ez, I honestly think the only likely fear is your contact damage, maybe...just watch your straps and the lanterns :)

    Personally, you are the definition of success for me. You are ridiculously talented and have invested in that talent. Anyone who books you for anything is lucky! Your quality and commitment to customer service is worth 3-5 times what you charge, never doubt that!
