Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tuff decision...

Thanks for participating in my poll...seems I should get a part-time job...and focus more on the photography biz...

So I have been looking for part-time work, but I haven't found anything that makes sense...nothing.  I'm mean, I have an opportunity to keep working for the school board as a Truancy Officer (could you see me doing that???)...but it's still 5 days a week - 9am-2pm=$18,000 salary...I might as well work the extra 3 hours and make way more than that!

So, for right now, I'm staying put...especially b/c I might have to pick-up a car payment - Rana's car is old...and is temperamental...additionally, my dryer recently broke and I had to dish out a little bit of $ to replace it...

The plan is kind of crazy...but as long as I'm working full-time, I'm going to pay the minimal into my debt...stash some extra $ aside to repair the prepare it for the market...also the extra funds will be a buffer when we move...yes...move.  Wifey wants really bad to relocate...I too, but could be content here if I could travel to the max.  Regardless, wife wants to move, so good husband obliges...and Oregon is awesome!  (But b/c I move doesn't mean I won't continue doing stuff in me, I'll still comeback to shoot your wedding!)  Anyway, that could be a year or so from now...selling a house right now isn't easy.

By the way, I have 0% interest on my Credit paying minimal won't kill, from saving that extra cash on the side...if at the end of the year, we have plenty left over, I'll knock out that debt! I'm just we have a loose plan for right now...but I do have a date in my mind that I would like to leave my job...but I won't share it yet...if I had 10 weddings booked within a 6 months period, I'm done!  So help me book some weddings!!!


freewiser ezra

Sunset over Ashland, Oregon...taken in 12.07  w/ my D40 & one mean graudated Cokin Filter!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Change of events...

Ups & Downs...and Curve Balls.
Alright...two posts ago, I announced my last day at my 9-5 would be July 31st. Let me give you a little background info. See, if you work for the School Board as a teacher, and you don't have a degree in Education, you have to become certified as a teacher. If you're a Social Worker, doing Social Work, you have to become certified as a teacher too. It makes no sense. Teacher certification for a Business degreed individual makes sense - they need to show they can teach. Teacher certification for a Social Worker doing Social Work...doesnt' make sense.

So in order to keep my job, I had up to July 31st to pass the test. The test is on teaching theory. Anyway, I took it twice...and did not pass. I scheduled a 3rd time to take it (today) but had decided in my mind, that it wasn't worth the trouble to study (I don't even like my job, so why am I going to fight to keep it). Well, I took the test today and passed it...and I'm not excited. My fate was it's I have a choice. Rana and I will discuss our many options...but one definite option is to sell our house...anyone interested?

Oh, by the way (from previous post), I finished all 431 foto edits yesterday (this morning)...

- freewiser ezra

Lots of obstacles! my last post I declared my soon dependency on starts the ups and downs...

The last two days have been super frustrating...even worthy of me crying.  After two weeks of working on my new website, it reverted back to week 1.  All my work was lost...I nearly fell apart. Instead I stayed up until 2:3oam and finished my website.

Today, I just finished 431's taken like 4 days to edit them....I went to review the pictures...not one of the edits actually occurred.  See, the action I created, for some reason was sending the fotos to a file that never existed...
So what do I do...I stay up late far 100 photos edited...

This is really discouraging and very definitely plants little seeds of doubt when you experience these obstacles over and over again.  It's as if someone doesn't want me to follow through with this.  But I won't quit...b/c the other alternative is by far worse....9-5...40 hours a week...rush hour traffic...and more tragic thank you!

Let me get back to editing...

-freewiser ezra

Friday, June 26, 2009

freewiser resurrects...

Ok...I've been gone for so long that I almost forgot the password.  I was thinking about shutting down freewisers, but on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th thought I decided to try to keep it rolling...
The purpose of the freewiser blog is to document our experiences as an entreprenuer.  

So here we go.  As most of you know, as I have made mention before, I'm a Social Worker...and I currently work for Duval County Public Schools...this is my main source of income...and my unhappiness!  So as of August 1st, my main source of income will be photography.  Yup, I decided to cut the cord...but not because I'm booking enough gigs...or because my wife got a raise at her job and we can now afford to live off of her income (because if you know me well enough, my wife stays at home raising the little ones...I'm the only source of income...).  It's not because I was frugal enough to save 6 months worth of living costs...God no...I wish.  It's because I can't stand my job anymore...I am miserable at work...and in my field (Social Work) you can't afford to feel that way...too many people are depending on you.  So instead of making myself more miserable...and eventually letting that misery affect my clients, co-workers, and my health (which has already taken it's toll) I'm calling it quits...I'm walking away!  

And this is why FREEWISER has document this document the economic document the fear of losing it document triumph and relief...

So join along...and please root for me!

- freewiser ezra

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Runnin' Down The Repeat Offenders: Episode #2

In episode #2, Eric and I get set up for a great morning of music downtown at Hemming Plaza for the Friday Farmer's Market; Also, The Repeat Offenders enjoy a night at the Florida Yacht Club... on the tennis court and contemplate TV shows and premium cables channels. Performances of "I Shot the Sheriff" and "Slide".

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Branding is not for cows...


I've been reading two books at the same time about branding. If you haven't noticed in your own day to day life, branding is real important to creates their identity. Think Gap or Wal-Mart...McDonald's or Native Sun...branding is crucial for these companies.

The second I decided to start my photography business, I knew I had to create a brand - this was even before I knew that every super successful photographer had a brand. A brand creates hope...or a lack of...hence, why it's even more important to create your own brand, b/c if you don't others will...and it won't be favorable...b/c we humans brand's something we's how we make judgements...think about it.

Here's a few quotes that really stuck with me from the two books I'm reading...just wanted to share....

"Real marketers know that brand building is not about celebrating your own iconoclastic spirit..." - "Brand Warfare", written by David D'Alessandro

"Humility lets us absorb common sense and embrace the fact that what's in the customer's mind is far more important than what's in our mind..." - "Why can't Johnny Brand", Bill Schley

"Branding and positioning require decisive commitment to a single path, and that means risk. - "Why can't Johnny Brand", Bill Schley

The images I choose to you use on my blog are a part of my branding...hence, I'm careful in choosing what images go on the won't see me post a formal foto on my blog...that's not why people hire me...they want something a little bit more outside the box...I hope.

Friday, May 1, 2009



A career change is not have to be a professional juggler. I've said this before...I'm a father of 2 children, a husband, a Social Worker, and a Photographer. Any given Monday - Friday looks like this: 7:30-4:30 @ work...5pm to 6pm is dinner and hang-out time with my 6pm I'm on the computer answering e-mails, making orders, editing pictures, burning discs, making slideshows, trying to stay current on Facebook & Twitter...and working-out in between uploads and downloads...oh, Fridays I have rehearsals to go to...I'm always looking at photos for new concepts...and currently I'm reading two books on branding at the same time. This is insane...and I haven't mentioned the weekends...and I won't.

But I have to do all of's not healthy, but neither is remaining in a field of work that has nearly drained all the "happys" out of me. To me, this sacrifice is worth the reward. I have been in the Social Work field for nearly 9 years...and if you throw my internships in there, then it's been 10! I have worked in a domestic violence shelter, did in-home parenting, ran the programs at a Boys Girls Club, and am currently an Intake Specialists. In any given year, with my current job, I listen to 170-200 parents tell me about their latest problems. After 10 years, I have heard way too many problems...not 1 too 1000 way too many! The latest trends has been mothers who have committed suicide...a recent incest...we always have the "cutters" or suicidal kids (they just keep getting younger)...the drug cases, domestic violence, divorce, murders...if it's bad, I've heard it...

So this is not any healthier. I always say God didn't create humans to listen to 200 problems in a way. So my quest is to be a full-time photographer...but I have to transition...and that's the hard part. I have been to the Promise Land - just about every weekend I visit there, with my cameras and awesome people willing to stand in front of them...and I never want to leave...Photography, to me, is the opposite of Social Work (at the least the feelings it brings).

So that's why I'm pressing so hard in this photography business...I'm trying to learn as much as possible about every aspect of photography; especially the business part. In mid May, I'm making a trip to Chicago to meet with Fred Egan...I'm always talking to other photographers, and I'm reading a lot. This is the investment that has to be made.

If you are considering a career change, I warn you that it's not easy nor for the weak-hearted...but if you survive "crunch", then I expect the reward to be great...more on this in the future.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Slacker me! I have been slacking on this blog...but the truth is, I can barely keep up with my personal's a little video for all to enjoy...hope you learn something?

Truck Break in after Emily & Mike's Wedding! from ezra ayala on Vimeo.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's All a Process


“It’s pretty sickening.”

I laughed when I heard Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich make that statement in an interview. He was describing the scene backstage at one of their shows and not in the way you might think. The band once dubbed “Alcohollica” now enjoys tea and lattes before shows and the level of civility and the irony of it, was enough to make Lars laugh. It made me laugh because I thought about the arc of my own life and found a commonality that rang true.

Arrrr matie! - Lars Ulrich (R), here with Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett, doing his best pirate impersonation.

I started to think about the number of famous musicians who share that same story, who have been through the process of redemption. Countless musicians who've lived in excess and found salvation, including myself and others I know personally. We share this same experience. Apparently, it doesn’t really matter what level of success you’re on because it’s part of the human condition.

At some point, the excess falls away and you boil it down to two things… being the best musician you can be and playing gigs. Pretty cool.

The last time I blogged I wrote about a new song that I had been working on…. more hard rock sounding and different than what I had done before. It is still in the writing process, believe it or not. Or at least I can’t. This has been my greatest written musical challenge to date. The working title is called “Elevated” and has been in the works since 2004, officially.

At one point, it already had lyrics and was called “Haunting Things”. (Click here and scroll down if you'd like to read the lyrics to "Haunting Things") Then it lived as a different song in an original band and was called “Amends”. In its many different incarnations, I never felt like the melody of the lyrics worked with the music. I also never felt like the music was given its due. But now, I think I’m getting the song where it deserves to be.

In the process, it’s making me grow as a songwriter which makes it even sweeter. Songwriting is definitely a “feel” thing for me. An idea works when it “feels” right. It also helps to have an open mind about trying different ideas especially if you want to grow in your songwriting.


Speaking of trying different things, I wrote a new song this past week that started with a poem that my wife Melissa wrote years ago. The poem spoke to me the first time she shared it. Usually, I write the music first and the lyrics kind of fill the spaces in between the music. This time it was the lyrics and the vocal melody that came first.

I started humming a melody and found the first chord and then the song just started writing itself. It was cool. I like to create new ideas when I write music… a cool riff or turn-around or something that’s new to me. But for this, there was no need to be clever or cute, just good. The "magic" is in the dynamic of the vocal melody over the chord progression but you'll have to be the judge of that. The song is entitled “Her”. I’m hoping to get a demo version up on my myspace page very soon.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Lyrics by Melissa Rodriguez & Ron Rodriguez

Music by Ron Rodriguez

This side of her you are looking for

Hides deep down inside

As long as she blinks back the tears

You’ll never know she cries

Keep looking for her

Keep wasting your time

You’ll never find her

No matter how hard you try

She’s hiding from the world

Set apart for the time

Her eyes are closed

Her face relaxed

Her smile is posed

She feels that no one else exists

Except her… only her.

This side of her you are looking for

Is crying to be free

Her heart is longing for deeper love

A place she wants to be

So live in love today

Live in love today

She cries for love

(instrumental, solo)

She’s searching further

She’s taking her time

You’ll never find her

No matter how hard you try

She’s hiding from the world

Set apart for the time

Her eyes are closed

Her face relaxed

Her smile is posed

She finds a deeper love… in her.

Monday, April 6, 2009



I'm reading this book by Dane Sanders called "Fast Track Photographer."  Within this book, Dane describes creating your business with you as the center and not your fotos.  So he asked a series of questions that would help the reader possibly define themselves as a PERSON.  One of the questions he asks is, "What do you honestly think will make you happy?"  I thought of money, living in a super cool place, and even traveling...but all those don't necessarily make you happy...and I know that.  So I thought about it for another 1/10000000th of a second, and my TRUE answer is CONNECTING with other PEOPLE and HELPING PEOPLE.  Well isn't that what I do everyday as a Social Worker?  Well, if I do, it doesn't make me happy.  So I mentioned this to my wife and I came to realize something very important.  

Social Work is a Synthetic form of this natural, Holy, and righteous "thing" called LOVE!
This may offend some of my colleagues, but if they are so intrigued by repetitive paperwork and appointments by the hour, so be it.  I prefer to help people outside of those boxes! 

And a picture for Ron.  Lay off the Pork...this guy will appreciate it.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Runnin' Down The Repeat Offenders: Episode #1


Clips from this past weeks gigs @ Mellow Mushroom, TGIFriday's and Boston's Gourmet Pizza.... Ezra and I contemplate the benefits of a gig at Hooters; Steve and I discuss how an acoustic trio can rack up so many noise complaints; Dan shows up on the internet... AGAIN and Stephen serves up some ham at Bostons.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Everyday Inspiration


Just a few random examples of Everyday Inspiration:

1. Refreshing Perspective:
It's been a while since my last post (sorry!). The last one I did hinted on my text topic- find inspiration in everything. I think now more than ever that is a very useful mindset amidst all the "doom and gloom" about the economy that is heavily broadcast on the news. Honestly, I know we are experiencing some economic downturns (I have many close friends who have lost their jobs and are looking for work) but it is nowhere near as bad as it is portrayed to be. When I go out I do not see empty parking lots, stores or restaurants. I still have to stand in a line at the grocery store, etc... but what I do see is everyone being smarter with their money and really evaluating the product or service they are considering. And that is a good thing! I see more people being more responsible and becoming more "givers" than "takers" and not having the mindset of having the biggest and the best toys.

Through this, I have seen more families discovering more economic ways to spend family time; activities that do not always involve spending an arm and a leg at an amusement park, etc. Instead they are going to parks, picnics, local museums, zoo, etc.

2. Open Your Eyes:
This weekend was a whirlwind. Wedding Rehearsal on Friday, Wedding on Saturday and a sunrise Engagement Shoot on Sunday. I tend to stay focused on the specific event and people that I am shooting and do not always stop to appreciate the real serene beauty of my natural surroundings because I do not want to miss any action of the event. But this weekend, Ezra took some amazing shots of the sunset at the reception over the marsh that were just breathtaking. Inspired, I have began to open my eyes beyond just the subjects and events I am shooting and really take notice of the environment's a couple shots at Fort Clinch that I may not have normally taken and I am so glad I took the time to notice and capture them!
3. Kid at Heart:
Just yesterday I took the boys outside to play. I usually take my notebook or computer to make notes, process pictures, check email, etc. But yesterday I decided to just enjoy the sunshine and watch the boys play. My face hurt from smiling and laughing so much! They had such a great imagination and were so carefree! It reminded me to slow down, my work is not going anywhere and these two little boys are actually the reason I work so hard, so my "work" should not take me away (all the time). I got more hugs and kisses yesterday afternoon than ever and I really, really enjoyed just watching the kids...I think I have a new habit now!

"My Hero" (Foo Fighters cover)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I have this lens...17-50...3rd party lens...
Take note aspiring photographers...3rd party lenses are 3rd party lenses...purchase with caution...even fear.
I bought this lens b/c it received great reviews. The reviews said this lens was comparable the Nikons 17-55 2.8...the differences were hardly noticeable and not worth the $800 difference. So I decided to go with this 3rd party lens to save a buck and get awesome performance.

Instead, I think I got a lemon. Within a few months I had problems. I sent the lens to the company. They repaired it free of charge. And then a couple of weeks ago, the lens starting having problems - which is unacceptable for a wedding photographer.

So what do I do? My warranty is sending this lens to be fixed is out of the question...especially when you consider the fact that the lens will start acting faulty sooner or later!
Buying the Nikon 17-55 for $1200 is not likely either...also, I think these all-purpose lenses are quite overrated!

So I figured I'd buy a prime lens (something I wanted to do b/c primes are the best!) So I start looking at the 20mm, 24mm, & 28mm lens...Nikon, of course. So I start doing some research and find out that none of these lenses comes in a 1.8 or lower aperture. (Take note aspiring want the lowest number possible for your aperture...this permits a lot light it when you are shooting in low light...hence, you don't have to use your flash...hence, your fotos look better). I have a 50mm 1.8 and it is super awesome capturing light...significantly different than my 2.8 I really want a 1.8 or lower! Nikon doesn't have a prime wide angle lens that is less than a 2.8 aperture. What do I do...I start looking at 3rd party lenses? Sigma sells a 30mm 1.4 lens...and a 24 1.8 lens. The 24mm gets pretty bad reviews...the 30mm gets respectable reviews...

So the 30mm looks good...sort of...but what's the difference between 30mm and many 30mm wide enough for me...not sure. So I plan to rent this lens for my next wedding. (Note aspiring photographer - rent a lens to test it out...especially if you are not sure how it will perform or if it is a lens you could really use.)

See, the real problem here is Nikon. They are making a mistake...they are not providing a wide range of lenses for Nikon users to use. A lot of Nikon users use 3rd party lenses b/c Nikon lacks the diversity of lenses that Canon offers. Wake-up Nikon!

Next blog, I will post the pros of using Nikon!

They L.I.V.E


Being an 'adult' college student has been an amazing experience for me. I'm probably the same age or a few years younger than three out of my five professors. Most of my classmates can't even get into bars. Seriously. These kids are so fashionable! They all want to dress like Kanye West. I suppose I was similar to these kids (not in fashion sense) but in regards to being so preoccupied with everything but education. Like Lauren Hill said, "It's funny how money changes situations." Paying for college, out of your own pocket, you tend to take it pretty seriously.

I don't know why I waited so long to go to art school. Knowing thine self will save you a lot of time and money. Anyhow, I finished mid-terms last week. I chewed bubble gum and kicked ass.

You better act like you know.

Peace to my blog-mates. It's uplifting to be journaling/journeying with such brilliant people!

keep pushing people


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Business Note: #4 - You never know...

Ok...this past weekend I hosted another shoot-out.  I booked 6 shoots.  I took my neighbor...18 year old who graduated from high school last year...played b-ball and averaged 12 points a game...3rd in the county in 3 point percentage...a 2.5 GPA...and a basketball coach who didn't help him go to a Division 2 school...???  So neighbor is looking for something to do and he's never had anyone to discuss his future I decide to take him and pay him...and be his sounding board.

Back to the shoot: I did this shoot ridiculously inexpensively!   I did this in response to my Valentine's Day shoot which was similar, except for the V-Day shoot was solely for couples. Some missed out on the V-Day thing...or they didn't have a significant I offered another shoot-out this past weekend for those who couldn't partake in the first one.  
I also like these shoots b/c they open me up to new clientele

So that's the background fast forward a bit...
On Friday, the day before the shoot, I had a cancellation. Now I have 5 shoots scheduled. While shooting on Saturday, I discovered I had another I have 4 shoots scheduled...but wait, my 3pm appointment no then all I have was 3 shoots...

So my shoots were at these times: 11am, 1pm, 6pm...
After I realized my 3pm wasn't going to show up, I decided to go back home and drop off my helper....I paid him a miserable amount - yet more than he would have made at Winn Dixie.

I hang-out at then I think of calling my 6pm and canceling...up to this point, I was totally bummed..
.and the money thing didn't even make any sense! Look at of my clients paid me a week and half in that $ was gone to American Express...I paid my helper with the same $ my 2pm paid literally I had nothing in my wallet to show for today's work...if anything, I was losing money on gas and food...

Regress...I think about calling my 6pm to cancel...b/c I'm totally bummed and not in the spirit of shooting...vibes were self-esteem crushed.......
but my conscience would not permit me to cancel...

So I drive back to the the couple and shoot some of these totally awesome photos:

You know what...they're getting married 9.5.09...and mom wants to talk to me about shooting their wedding...and the couple seemed excited about working with me too!

I conclude with - YOU NEVER KNOW!  
If, in fact, I shoot their wedding, Saturday's self-esteem crusher will have totally paid off...$$$...but more importantly, I had the opportunity to meet the sweetest most pure couple on the face of the earth...and it was an honor to work with them...they made my day, regardless if I shoot their wedding or not!

(Side note:  All my clients that canceled or no showed had good was stuck in a lay over in Miami...another, her son had a track meet...and my 3pm that no showed, texted me to tell me she couldn't make it b/c her debit card was missing and someone was out spending her $$$...and by the way, don't text me...I block that feature on my cellular....).

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

10 Weekly Wonders (week of 3/9)


10. I wonder if Speaker of the House Nancy Pilosi can get me a good deal on a flight to Vegas?

9. Is it desperate when aging, former sex symbols still expose their breasts in public? (Ehmm, Pamela Anderson & Sharon Stone)

The question is "Who hasn't seen 'em?" Sheesh!

8. So you’re saying a 200 pound chimpanzee DOESN’T make a good house pet?

7. If you double your debt, is that really being fiscally responsible Mr. President?

6. Have you found our music on iTunes, Napster, Rhapsody or Amazon MP3 yet? (More shamelessness, I know)

5. Is it lame that my wife and I send each other Star Wars figures over Facebook?

As a kid, I had a great collection going til at some point,
they all got thrown out?!?!?!?

4. Really Rihanna? You what…? Really?

3. Maybe it’s me, but does a 150 year prison sentence seem a little "light" for Bernie Madoff?

2. Is the jury still out (at least it is for me) on the new U2 CD?

1. Really? People are STILL watching “The Bachelor”?

What's AMAZING is that this show is still on the air.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


In this business world, it's super important to be professional...but it's also more important to be personable (unless you're a bill collector)...
Sometime ago...this past summer...I met with Melissa & Ron to discuss their wedding...we met at Starbucks? St. John's Town Center...we talked about 30-45 minutes about their wedding and my photography...and the other hour, we talked...joked...and mostly laughed...

Thankfully, they booked me for their wedding...which was a total blast!  By the time I shot their wedding, I had already did  2 shoots with Melissa and one for I felt like we were pretty good friends...and the wedding was like that...I was like a groomsmen with a camera...taking pictures of everything... this business world, it's important to be professional...and personable...
The greatest reward of booking Melissa and Ron's wedding is their's a few pics from today's shoot with them in downtown...

Ron...I want a rematch in Madden!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

YOU are your BRAND...

Last night Ezra and I shot Erin's wedding. It went like most weddings paced, creative ideas on the fly and always fun! I drove to save gas $$ and to brainstorm with Ezra about the game plan for the wedding. When I picked him up he was decked out from head to toe in his new "wedding clothes" and man, I was impressed! When we got into the truck I told him that I liked his new ensemble...a preppy look that only Ezra can still pull off as cool and relaxed. We talked a little bit about a few things and then he said something that really caught my we discussed the dreaded "all black" dress code mentality he photographers "you are your own brand" not just the images you produce.

I agreed, I have never been able to separate business from personal and always preferred more of a relationship marketing approach (treat my clients like friends and family). I never try to sell myself or my services. I simply let my work speak for itself and let my clients get to know me- the true me at meetings, consultations and shoots. If I am what they are looking for in a photographer then great, if not...well, then that's ok too. I do not have a switch that goes into "professional photographer mode" all I can be is me.

But for some reason those words seemed to really hit home with me last made me realize that it is not just my clients who watch or form an opinion of me, it is everyone that I come into contact with...future clients, friends, neighbors and the people next in line to me at the grocery store. My first thought was..."geeezzz, I have to always be 'on'!" ...But then I thought, I’m always on :)

One reason this hit home with me was that I had actually met Erin (the bride) in the shoe department at Target. Something that I had not thought about in a while and when Ezra said those words, it made me realize that no matter where you are at, who you meet, how you present and carry yourself (whether you speak a word or not) there is someone who forms an opinion about you and "judges" you (yes, it's true...just accept it, people do judge books by their cover). It all goes back to the 10 second first impression know the one, a person has already formed an opinion of you within the first 10 seconds of seeing you before you even speak a word...

So, what do your clothes, hair, car, accessories, etc. say about you...think about it, look in the mirror and step out of your own mind for a few minutes. Are you a walking GQ ad, approachable, high maintenance, intimidating, etc...? But go beyond looks, are you conducting yourself in a way that is positive for you personally and professionally... body language, opinions, outlook on life...Whatever it is, make sure it is the message that you want out there. You are a walking billboard that is always flashing "OPEN"...

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying be something besides yourself. Instead, find ways to be the best "you"! Everyone has to evaluate their "marketing strategy" (connecting with/gaining attention/creating demand for "your product"). Some people are looking for work, others for love, friendship, etc. No matter what you are looking for just be sure you have your best foot forward when you find it- or even better...when IT finds you!

...Thanks, Ez! You didn't know your one little comment would evoke this much philosophy...
but I'll save that for next time: "Find Inspiration in Everything" be continued.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gotta love the internet!


The internet has really leveled the playing field for artists. Maybe you've heard that before but the technology has made local artists like myself accessible to anyone in the world who has the internet. Before it required the help of major label record companies to get that kind of access. Now artists can build direct relationships with distributors like Tunecore, iTunes and Amazon and their fans.

Below is a my live acoustic CD "Cover-ed" recorded about a year ago. I've seen a great jump in downloads and streams from this CD in the last four months which translated means CHA-CHING! Have a listen and let me know what you think... or maybe you want to download a few songs?!?!?! CHA-CHING! ;)

Two out of three 'taint bad...


but it's not perfect. Those who read the blog on the regular know that my Re. Solutions were to: do something creative everyday, visit at least three art galleries a month and write a blog posting once a month. And those who read the blog on the regular know that its been longer than a week since my last blog. Self disciple really only works for me if there are serious consequences. But if there aren't any consequences, I'm a master at talking myself out of something that I promised myself that I would do (which in theory is not self-disciple at all, it's like anti-self discipline) I think a lot of people are like that. Which be the problem. Anyway I'm back on the horse!

My teachers lately have been my cats. They are far more entertaining to watch then television. Which by the way, I'm adding an amendment in my Re. Solutions to watch less to zero television. I really can't say anything new that hasn't been said about how terrible tv is but lately after watching tv I just feel dirty. Dirty. Like you remember this scene in Planes, Trains and Automobile? Television.

So my cats. I love cats 'cause they sleep like they got a job, like they just pulled a double shift at the steel mill.

I've been experiencing insomnia for the past several months(more about that later) and it's been really great watching the cats sleep. Total guilt, worry free sleep. Who knew feline laziness could be so inspiring. Keep pushin people..



Thursday, February 26, 2009

Update on my ad campaign...


Well, it's been 2.5 weeks since my ad came out in a local newspaper/magazine guide...and it's been a couple of days since my ad in a magazine bridal guide came out...and I have had a handful of friends tell me they saw my ads...but that's about it.  Now, it might be too premature to say whether or not the magazine bridal guide will be successful...we'll see....

Now with this said, let me tell you my intent of putting these ads out - to book 2 or 3 weddings...that would be my definition of successful...

I wanted to run those ads to link me to 2 or 3 more couples who would help in my Word of Mouth campaign...but perhaps, print ads is not the way to do it...this actually sounds contradictory...perhaps, I was trying to take a short cut....

The experts have been saying that print ads and other traditional forms of advertising will not be the future of the wedding photography industry.  Now, via experience, I agree with them...the future is definitely Word of Mouth, Networking, and Relationships!   

Do you hire a plumber b/c of an ad you saw in the Mint Magazine?  Or do you hire the plumber b/c  your neighbor said he was awesome?

Friday, February 20, 2009



I am in the process these next 2 weeks of moving from Sterling, GA to JAX. Finally. I do work entirely in Jacksonville now, so it's about time. This will hopefully lead to a more productive use of my time than driving 3-4 hours a day to get to and from work. Here's a picture of my new studio to be used for pre and post production on my upcoming films. Also, March 15th is coming with the Miami International Film Festival screening of a film I produced, "Sally '58 Baby", so that should be a blast on South Beach. Here's also what I'll be camping in near South Beach. I built this over the winter break.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Be yourself...


This Monday I met with another photographer (well known photographer) to discuss possibly assisting her on a freelance basis.  She was very nice...even awesome...very down to earth.

So after meeting her, I felt a little discouraged.  See, she has the clientele all photographers would like to have -  the affluent ones.  She asked if I was comfortable being around people who are political figures...people with clout...or in other words, rich people.  

This really left me thinking that my approach might be all wrong.  Look at my business name - freewise fotography.  Look at me...or my experiences - both my parents come from poverty that you don't even find in the USA.  And get to know my personality -  it's kind of crazy...a little hyper...maybe carefree...not the norm (I grew-up on hip-hop and in a neighborhood where black, latino, and white had to be down or else...).

After a night of slight doubt, but substantial doubt, I woke-up the following morning refreshed and confident as ever.  I recalled the ridiculous success of furious photographer and the image is found.

This reminded me to be myself, be me...that's how I'm most's worked for me my whole life...why change....

Be yourself.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Common Enemy


False evidence appearing real.

This is one way to define fear. In the midst of this economic recession, it seems fear can be the greatest enemy of all despite what we see in the news or read in the paper.


Corporate greed.

Irresponsible behavior.

It’s easy for us Americans to rally around a common enemy. Finding a commonality that binds each of us to the next gives us a reason to unite. To me, these aren’t the real enemies. I believe right now the greatest enemy is fear and the success of my business as a musician will depend on my ability to manage my emotions and my attitude towards it. Even President Obama understands the paralyzing power of fear as he seeks support for his $787 billion stimulus package. Some call this fear mongering. To me, it only emphasizes the need to manage fear in these troubling times.

In response to a Ezra’s blog, I wrote this:

“personally, i try not to focus on fear. now, i'm not saying i'm living with my head in the sand but we choose where we spend our mental energy. being cautious is one thing. being fearful is another. focus on success and i believe you will have success even if success means just surviving these economic hardships!”

“in this current climate, we all have fears. from the corporate giant to the small business man, we're all plodding through this downturn very carefully. we're all pulling back on expenses; we're all managing debt; we're all looking for future opportunity; we're managing margin. big or small, we're no different except for the size and scale. imagine if you had 10-15 employees and their families relying on your success to stay afloat? “

The one caveat I believe to all of this is that you must operate your business and your life with integrity. We can point to A-Rod, Bernie Madoff and “The Octuplet Mom” and examine each on the basis of integrity. And right now, the lack of integrity is being purged out.

The flip side of all of this is a simple question… what do you believe in and what do you have faith in? For me, this is what we are all being called to declare right now and is the true antidote to fear.

Ok, I promise I will get back to writing about music, gigs and funny stories about being a musician. I know I strayed away from it in the last few blogs. I’ve been watching a lot of news lately and it’s the BEST reality TV out there! My hope is that all of this will start to reflect in my music especially lyrically. I will also have an update on my new song and how the recording process is going…. thanks everyone!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Balancing Act

Now, brace yourself…this post will totally be from a parental (mostly Mom’s) perspective. It is not a mindless rant, but more like a sad realization of necessity of give and take. As a mother of two (age 3 and 22 months…and no, I am not crazy!) Needless to say, I have one major full time job in addition to being a photographer. I have to constantly be creative when planning the maximum efficiency of just how to balance entertaining, refereeing, feeding, cleaning, educating and playing with the kids and staying on top of business. As a Mom, I feel torn and there is a nagging voice that I really need to leave the laptop alone and just focus on the kids and then the determined independent business woman in me says that I have to keep my nose to the grindstone and work as hard as I can to market, process images, learn more, promote, create and drive current and new business (not to mention keeping up with all the social networking…whew!). And I am not unique to this predicament; everyone else has something that they sacrifice in order to enhance something else in their life… career, hobbies, school, relationships and recreation…

So, is there an easy solution? The short answer…no: the long answer…well, yes eventually. From my core beliefs, I will always conduct my life in a series of permanent priorities:
1. GOD
If I am to succeed at my passion of photography (which for the most part is going really well, especially in a recession!) what would that success really mean if I abandoned my real priorities? If at the end of the day I have more business than I can handle and have no time to spend quality time with God or my family, then ultimately I have failed…(I know, sorry, I am a very deep thinker)…

When you become a parent there is a switch that goes off, it is hard to explain but from that moment on your life becomes about ensuring your little baby (and they are still babies no matter how old they get!) has the best opportunities in life and that you give them unlimited and unconditional love, encouragement and attention. It is no secret that for many Mom’s their needs, desires, thoughts, feelings, etc. become the lowest on the totem pole. So, as you can imagine when I even start to think that I am putting myself before my children, I start to feel selfish and disappointed. But at the same time I grew up in a house where my Mom ran her own business and that inspired me! I did not feel neglected, in fact it gave me so much confidence to pursue the goals I set for myself in life.

At the end of the day I have to just realize that I have placed all these deadlines and expectations on myself because I want to be the best photographer I can be, but ultimately I value being the best mother I can be much, much more. So, when my boys want me to just sit with them and read a story or watch their favorite show and even play G.I. Joes- I have given myself permission to take a “kid break”. I guess the type of worker I am makes me want results (now!) and move on to the next task. It is hard for me to justify anything that detours my progress. On those merits, I am a great employee but a terrible boss (just keep working, no breaks…don’t stop, work, work, work!)…Who in their right mind would argue with themselves about taking a couple minutes to do something at any corporate job? It’s a balancing act that is constant and there is no quick fix. I can not schedule appointments with my children and limit them to certain hours, but I can squeeze in some time when I am needed (and even when I am not) and take a little longer lunch, block out an afternoon (or a day!!!) to help Spiderman and Hulk stop the bad guys…After all, isn’t that the freedom of being your own boss and owning your own business? Yes! Balance…it’s a constant process (and that’s ok!)...So, do not stress (too much) over the details of your life that fight for your attention and time, in the end it is a give and take...and with a lot of practice (and prayer) you will find the "balance" that suits you best!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Business Note: #3 - First & Last Impressions


I have had some very interesting interactions this past this topic is inspired by last week's experiences...

First & Last Impressions...make sure they're both good ones...

First Impressions:
The will make you or break you...instantly!
I see plenty of new photographers (I know...I'm one too) that are making a major mistake with their first impressions.

I see plenty of people who purchase an entry level Digital SLR (the camera with the interchangeable lenses)...shoot a family, a friend, their significant other or whoever....then they get a website...and place all those pictures of the same person on their portfolio...and the pictures typically aren't great...

Me, as a client would never hire that or in the future...

This is about first impressions...make sure you're showing your best stuff...make sure it looks like you have some experience...make sure of these things, because you might ruin your business before it even gets going!

This goes for all services and products...make sure they are good...make sure that they work. If the product or services has problems, fix it first before you start advertising yourself!

Last Impressions:

These are just as significant with first impressions. If you blow your Last Impression, your business will won't'll lose that client and prospective're ruining your "Positive Word of Mouth" advertising campaign!

Real life example: I purchased new cards last week. This is how it went:
Three weeks ago, I went into a card shop I dealt with in the past (but now they have new owners)...I talked with them for about an hour regarding what fresh and unique things they could do to make my business cards stand out from the rest. See, I didn't want your typical 2x3 card...I wanted something more memorable...something more difficult to throw in the garbage!

So we talked...they discussed their capabilities...I liked what they offered...and the price was right...
The next time I saw them...about a week and half later...I had a design...I brought my laptop in to make sure I did the bleeds right (card talk)...and as it goes, the bleeds were wrong. The designer helped me out for about 15-20 minutes to correct the bleeds...then I burned the image on a cd and turned it in to them. The owner came out the charge me for a little "down payment" so they could go ahead and print the the payment, was a charge for $30 because of some design fee. I'm I said nothing....

After the long drive home, I kind of got really upset about this and e-mailed them...I expressed my concerns about this hidden fee. They responded that this was protocol because of the 1 and 15 minutes I spent with them discussing the cards...

That was the wrong answer! I printed my cards with them...but only those cards, because they already had my "down payment". But I had a second card...I wanted to do two cards. Needless to say, they're not printing my cards any longer...nor will they be printing the cards of a whole bunch of prospective clients, because I will never refer others to them...

This card company's Last Impression was awful. They had a chance to redeem make a good Last Impression. They didn't. They lost business.

Everyone out there...make sure your First & Last Impressions are's the only way your business will survive!

And if you're a single man, it's the only way you might get married??? Sorry...had to throw that out there...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

When your desire becomes the daily grind


Whoa! I've been MIA. I got called out on my bullshit though. Thanks ez.
I've been thinking a lot about discipline and perseverance, stuff that is really hard to do but is necessary so you can do what you want to do. Being free isn't free. In my art appreciation class yesterday we talked about the space that exist between work and leisure time. More specifically, for me and my fellow bloggers, the line between work and art. We're trying to blur that line so that art, work and leisure are all rolled up into one. That's were the discipline and perseverance comes in. I'm currently enrolled in 5 classes in one of the Chicago City Collleges (3 studio classes and two art history classes) and I'm still working full-time teaching art and peace to 4,5,and 6th graders. As well as running an after-school program with 1st and 5th graders. I don't think I'm doing anything overwhelmingly special. I do question my sanity for taking on so much. Desire makes you get off the couch. Desire helps you deal with the daily grind. Keep pushin people...



p.s welcome kaci!!

Business Note #2: Desire vs. Fear


"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure."

I ran across this above quote by Bill Cosby on the header of one of my e-mail accounts..
Very inspirational.
With this said, I admit...I have chosen the worse time to start my own business! The economy...well, you need to explain...
Like others, I have fear...lots of it...

I fear that my business won't succeed and that I will be doing Social Work for the rest of my life (and end up insane b/c that's the path of a life time Social Worker...really...sort of...).
I have fear that I will be stuck with my debt.
I have fear that I might screw-up really bad and have my house foreclosed...
I have fear that my wife's car will breakdown soon and I won't get a loan to purchase another one b/c of my debt...
I have fear that I might not book another gig...
I have fear that my fotos suck...
I have fear that clients won't like me...
I have fear that I might do or say something wrong to a client...and then the word will spread to every bride getting married in the next couple of years...
I have fear that while I'm at a gig, my contact lens will break and I will have forgotten to pack a spare one...
I have fear that b/c there's 1 million photographers in Jacksonville alone, I don't stand a chance...
I have fear that b/c the economy is the way it is, people cannot afford me...
I have fear that my style of photography might scare folks...
I have fear that I might not book a wedding b/c I do not shave...
I have fear that people won't take me serious...
I have fear that people might think I'm too serious...
I have fear that people won't like my blog and will not consider me for their gig b/c of it...
I have fear that my gear might get stolen or damaged...
I have a desire to try to do something I love, because if I don't, I will have blown my chance to find a better way of life for myself and my family!

See, my DESIRE to succeed is greater than all of my fears put together, multiplied by every imaginable number (including infinity)...maybe I'm out of my mind, but My DESIRE conquers all my fears!

In another post, I will make a Desire List.

In the meantime, I encourage everyone not to let their fears get in the way of their dreams...or goals...
Go after what you want...don't hold might miss out on an opportunity to make your life better!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Maybe you've seen this on Facebook


The rules state you're suppose to tag 25 people in this note including the ones who tagged you but after reading #25, you'll see why I passed on that.

“25 Random Things”

25. This “25 Random Things” survey is really annoying.
24. The Foreman Grill is my favorite kitchen appliance.
23. Someone needs to give impeached Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich his own talk show.
22. I graduated from Towson State University with a BA in mass communications.
21. I bought an Xbox just so I can play Madden 09. It’s an addiction.
20. I’m confused by people who add you as a friend on Facebook and don’t communicate.
19. Why did it take Axl Rose 14 years to release something as horrible as “Chinese Democracy”?
18. I wish my New England Patriots would go back to the old uniform and logo.
17. I realized recently that I didn’t know that many people in high school.
16. I heart peanut butter!
15. I worked in broadcast television for 11 years, including five years working for CNN, Headline News & Sports Illustrated.
14. I became a victim of this current economic downturn when I was laid of from my job at the local CBS & FOX affiliate back in March of 2008.
13. Costa Rica is where I want to be.
12. I always sleep with socks on. Always.
11. I currently do not posses a valid driver’s license.
10. Of the 14 guitars I own, my most prized guitar is my black 1994 CE 24 Paul Reed Smith.
9. I believe there were some questionable calls at the end of the Steelers/Cardinals Super Bowl.
8. Larry Bird… enough said.
7. You can purchase and download my original music on iTunes. (shameless, I know!)
6. I saw my first Patriots game back in 1984 in the old Foxboro season.
5. Jager bombs are in fact, the bomb!
4. I’m not sure if American Idol winner David Cook rocks or not.
3. My middle name is Anonuevo which means new year in Spanish.
2. I enjoy reading John Mayer’s blog more so than listening to his music.
1. I love God and I’m thankful for the life He has blessed me with.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

10 Weekly Wonders


10. The percentage of Steelers fans to Cardinals fans at the Super Bowl on Sunday. Also, tied for tenth is how sad will I be if the Steelers win their sixth Super Bowl. Ugh.

9. Sham WOW! Really?

8. How many times will I need to overcome my urge to watch VH1 reality shows? Celebrity Rehab, Sober House deserves an Emmy.

Heroin is SO glamorous... right Steven Adler?

7. How many years til Lenny Kravitz & Slash start a band?

6. What is my commitment level to finishing out this season of American Idol? If you’re scoring at home, take the under.

5. From all the comments I’ve seen on Facebook, I’m not the only one strangely intrigued by The Snuggie.

I hope my Snuggie comes with a helmet!

4. Would a Snuggie-sized, Sham WOW be as cool as I imagine it could be? You could keep warm, have the freedom to use your hands AND be able to clean up spills or polish any surface at the same time. C’mon... WHO’S WITH ME?!?!?!

3. Why does Barack Obama’s first week in the Oval Office feel like a year already?

2. What can I get my wife for Valentine’s Day? That’s your two minute warning fellas!!

1. Could it be time to tame (what's left of) my unruly hair?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Music Video: "Madness + Furniture" by Ron Rodriguez


Thank you Ezra for your expertise, creativity and vision on this video. Thanks to Grant Varjas and Joel Hathaway for your song and your words.

Ron Rodriguez - Madness & Furniture from ezra ayala on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Welcome Kaci!

ezra: you can see, we have added another "freewiser" to our please welcome Kaci...and leave her comments on her posts.....oh...her first post is just below mine!

Visit here for Kaci's photography website!

This one is her blog!

Defining Success


Hello everyone! Let me first explain the tie that binds us all...Ezra! I met Ezra last year at a wedding and have been thankful ever since. He has been nothing short of amazing with his passion, commitment, consideration and awareness. Like Ezra, I have a family that I would like to completely support via my passion of photography. We share many of the same challenges, beliefs, stresses and inspirations...

Speaking of inspirations, Ezra has inspired us all (each one of us on the blog and those reading it) to share in this journey that we are on (the highs and lows) in taking the steps necessary to turn our passions into successes. But, to have success you must first define what your goals are (personal and professional). Making a list of goals is pretty easy, but measuring yourself and when it comes time deciding if you were successful or not is the tricky part...

I recently read a book (many of you may know it- The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch) that talked a lot about goals and success. The key lesson was to create success from the stepping stones of failure. Now, failure is a pretty harsh term, but when applied abstractly by figuring out what worked/didn't work, what to do better next time, etc... it creates wisdom...wisdom that is necessary to succeed. So, if we take this idea and apply it to life no matter what we do, try, fail, learn...the key is to TRY and LEARN...only then will we SUCCEED at becoming (free)WISER, and that is what will make you great!


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Business Note #1: Treat your clients like Royalty!


If you're running your own business or thinking of it, let it be known - Treat your clients/customers like ROYALTY...treat them like Queens & Kings!  

You should already be doing this with everyone, regardless.  It's good human ethic and good business practice.

You can advertise and market yourself or product on billboards, magazines, the web, TV, Radio, or on the moon...but if you don't treat your customers right, all that $$$ placed in ads will be totally wasted.  Word of Mouth is the most powerful form of's even free...all you have to do is have a good product or service...and treat your clients like ROYALTY...say "Thank you" a lot!

Word of Mouth when you do a client spreads....when you do a client spread even faster and farther!

Treat'em right...yes, do this with everyone you encounter and you'll be alright...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First Impressions?


“They are who we thought they were!”

Sound familiar NFC Champion Arizona Cardinals? Those words were infamously spoken by your former head coach but it certainly doesn’t apply to this 2008 team. I mean, you lose four of the last six regular season games and finish 9-7. OK. So where did this post season defensive effort come from? Larry Fitzgerald... five post season touchdowns? Seriously? You guys will have your hands full with the Steelers in the Super Bowl but please….don’t “let them off the hook!”

Kurt Warner - divine intervention?

I guess the same could be said for me and my music. Perception can be everything.

Locally, I’m perceived as an acoustic artist. I’ve been playing solo acoustic gigs around Jacksonville since 2002 so it seems natural. Mostly it was out of necessity. I went a long time without playing in a band and solo gigs were easy enough to come by.

However as a musician, I have a wide range of musical interests…. sounds, style and instrumentation. For 2009, I’m conscientiously moving away from that sound in my original music recordings, to bring out a more hard rock sound for people to sample. I hope to develop that sound in a new song I’m currently working on. The song is being built in stages. Over the next few blogs, I will attempt to explain the process of writing and recording this song.

I started with a chord progression that I’ve had lying around for about four years now. It was originally inspired by the song “Lady Picture Show” by Stone Temple Pilots, if you know the song.

Here are the different sections of the song:

1st section:
D / A/C# / G/B / A7

2nd section:
F# / G / D/ A

3rd section:
G/B / A/C# / D / G

4TH section:
C / D / C / G / D

That’s the framework I’m building the song from. I’ve titled them “sections” because lyrically, I’m not sure what will be a verse and what will be a chorus. Digital technology allows me the option to move sections around on the fly. I’m building drums tracks right now, working mostly from what I hear in my head. I have a general idea of where the different rhythm accents are in each section. Once I’ve built “skeleton” drum tracks, I can start tracking the guitars. I have the ability to go back and tweak each drum track later depending on how the song develops.

Game over Washington.

Regardless of political affiliation, there’s no denying history when it knocks on your door. That is what our nation is living today with the inauguration of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States.

History. Change. Can you believe we’re going to have a black president?

It hasn’t really struck me that he’ll be the first not because I haven’t thought of the weight and significance of the event but mostly because his race is less of an issue to me than whether he can deliver on his promise of change.

In the end, will it really matter what color he is if he can’t turn our economy around? This is a proud moment in our nation’s history, don't get me wrong. The past two days have been a celebration… from King to Obama; from “The Dream” to reality. We've come a long way and today we celebrate.

As a person of color (mostly brown), I’ve been privileged to have had close relationships with both Caucasians, African Americans and everything in between. I guess I don't perceive race as sensitively as maybe some do. For that, I am fortunate for my life’s experiences. I guess it’s a reflection of my life as a Filipino American.

"Help us Barack Obama. You're our only hope."

Monday, January 19, 2009

Feature film

Marc (aka: Boese)

So, I've started on my path to producing my first full-length feature film.

New horizons up ahead. First casting call went well. Such great talent here in Jacksonville. Whenever people start breathing life into words on a page it's exciting. Next step will be an additional casting call and callbacks. Meanwhile we are searching locations for those words on the page. The script is written by Executive Producer Mary Davis-Johnson. I'll keep you all updated.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How to stay FREE in shitty climate conditions


First off I love Chicago. A couple of summers ago my wife and I had about 6 or 7 friends move to Cali in a span of a year. We were tempted...but I love Chicago and I'm not goin anywhere. With that said how does one, one being me, stay creatively inspired when you wake up to this in the morning.

Here's how I cope:

1. Listen to depressing music in the morning...No really it works. You have to embrace the sadness before you can send it off packing. Peace to the Smashing Pumpkins and Bon Iver for holding me down during the morning commute.

2. Meet a friend at the end of the day, have one of those stream of consciousness conversations that don't go anywhere...No really it works. Human contact can be/is a powerful thing, if the contact you are having is positive. Avoid the wet blankets until winter breaks, that way when they start bringing you down you can break out. Then you've got a bike ride home to look forward to instead of a snow trek.

My poor/forgotten Peugeot. We will know each other again. Soon.

3. If you drink, find the crappiest dive bar you can and drink for cheap. The patrons of dive bars make for good conversation and can be inspirational. Bring your sketchbook/journal/switchblade If you don't drink, make it a coffee shop, minus the switchblade.

4. Do something creative everyday. This one is difficult for me. Sitting on the couch staring at the TV is so much easier to accomplish. I didn't ever really play sports but I guess I look at being creative in the winter as training during the off season. When Spring hits, I hope to have some creative muscle.

5. Listen to music that gets you hyped in the evening. In past winters, I'm in the bed at like 9. 9 o'clock, people!! I'm 32 years old,what business do I have being in bed at 9. None. Peace to that QUALITY hip-hop that keeps me amped and inspired!

enjoy the snow! so sorry for all you folks in semi-tropical and desert-like climates.

Happy Born Day Ron! freebiiirrddd!!


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Business Note:


Ron just had a Birthday!!!

Choose Wisely


There's always one in the crowd. Seriously. At least once a night, I can expect to hear someone scream that out because you know, it's original and no one has ever thought of that before. Curious enough though... how come it's never "Karma Chameleon!!!" or "Dancing Queen!!!” ?!?! Not that I know how to play either of those songs.

So is this good karma or bad? Talk amongst yourselves.


Song selection and knowing certain requests is another dimension to being a local musician/performer. Your song selection can set you apart and get you noticed. There are many ways to approach this so it is subjective depending on your taste and sensibility. Here’s what I consider when selecting a song to cover:

1. Can it be translated/ be performed as a solo acoustic song? Acoustic trio?
- A song has to work within the instrumentation you have. For me, the song has to be performed well in a solo format and in a band format.

2. Does it fit the demo for the people I play most to?
- A simple business principle… KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE/CUSTOMERS.

3. How much mileage can I get out of the song? Is it a song that I can play in most settings?
- I play in all sorts of environments… bars, restaurants, private parties, wedding receptions, social functions, business mixers and everything in between. The song has to be versatile enough to work in most settings. Also, I try not to having anything too obscure in my setlist. I'd rather entertain with a song that everyone knows then to please the music elitist laughing to himself in the corner because he's so clever. Just sayin'.

I play a lot of different places. Seriously, I'll come set up in your driveway if you want. I can rock a house party with the drop of a hat.

4. Is it unique or overplayed?
- To me, unique is the unexpected not obscure. Overplayed is “Brown Eyed Girl” and “Margaritaville”.

5. Is it something I naturally enjoy?
- First I will say there are plenty of songs that I play that are naturally outside of my personal taste. To me, that’s business. My preference would be to play songs that entertain me but it doesn’t always work that way.

Here’s my current setlist… oh, for the record, I don’t know “Freebird” so don't ask. ;)

Original songs:
He Knew It All
One More Day
A Thousand Miles
Wasting All My Time (capo 1)
Color (Capo 2)
Madness + Furniture

Cover songs:
4 Non Blondes – What’s Up
Akon – Right Now (capo 2)
All American Rejects – Move Along (capo 2)
Avril Lavigne – Nobody’s Home (capo 2)
Bare Naked Ladies – Old Apartment
Better Than Ezra - Good
Black Crowes – She Talks to Angels
Bob Marley/Eric Clapton – I Shot the Sheriff (capo 1)
Brandi Carlisle – The Story (capo 2)
Bush – Comedown
Bush - Glycerine
Chris Daughtry – Home (capo 3)
Chris Daughtry – It’s Not Over (capo 2)
Chris Issac – Wicked Game
Coldplay – Clocks
Coldplay - Yellow
Coldplay – The Scientist
Cracker – Low
Damien Rice – The Blower’s Daughter
Damien Rice – Volcano
DMB - #41
DMB – The Space Between
DMB – Crush
Dishwalla – Counting Blue Cars
Dylan/ Hendrix/DMB – All Along The Watchtower (key:Am)
Eagle Eye Cherry – Save Tonight
Elton John/Fuel – Daniel
Fastball – The Way (capo 2)
Foo Fighters – Big Me
Foo Fighters – Everlong
Foo Fighters – Learn To Fly
Foo Fighters – My Hero
Fuel – Shimmer
Gavin Degraw – Follow Through
Gin Blossoms – Hey Jealousy
Gnarles Barkley – Crazy (capo 4)
Goo Goo Dolls – Name (capo 2)
Goo Goo Dolls – Slide (capo 1)
Green Day – Time of Your Life (Good Riddance)
Green Day – When I Come Around
Guns N Roses – I Used To Love Her
Guns N Roses – Patience
Howie Day – Collide (capo 4)
Jack Johnson – Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
Jack Johnson – Upside Down (capo 2)
Jack Johnson – Flake (capo 1)
James Blunt – You’re Beautiful (capo 1)
Jimi Hendrix – Hey Joe
Jasom Mraz – Right Now
John Mayer – No Such Thing
John Mayer – Waiting On the World To Change
John Mayer – Why Georgia
Journey – Lights (capo 2)
Kelly Clarkson – Since You’ve Been Gone
Kenny Wayne Shepard – Blue On Black
Kid Rock/Lynard Skynard – All Summer Long/Sweet Home Alabama
Lifehouse – You & Me
Live - Lightning Crashes
Live – Pain Lies By The Riverside (capo 2)
Maroon 5 – This Love (capo 2)
Matchbox 20 – 3am
Matchbox 20 – Long Day (capo 4)
Matchbox 20 – Push
Metallica – Nothing Else Matters
Michael Jackson - Beat It
Nickelback – Leader of Men
Nickelback – Rockstar
Nirvana – All Apologies (drop d)
Nirvana – In Bloom
Oasis –Wonderwall/ Boulevard of Broken Dreams (capo 2)
One Republic – Apologize (key: Am)
Paolo Nutini – New Shoes (capo 1)
Pearl Jam – Black
Pearl Jam – Elderly Woman
Pearl Jam – Yellow Leadbetter
Pepper – Ashes
Peter Gabriel – In Your Eyes (capo 4)
Poison – Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Radiohead – Fake Plastic Trees
Radiohead – Karma Police
RHCP – Otherside
RHCP – Snow (Hey oh!) (capo 4)
Seal – Crazy
Seether – Fine Again
Seven Mary Three – Cumbersome
Soundgarden – Black Hole Sun (drop d)
Staind – Outside
Stereofuse – Everything (capo 1)
Stone Sour – Bother (capo 6)
Stone Sour – Through Glass (capo 2)
Stone Temple Pilots – Plush
Stone Temple Pilots – Interstate Love Song
Sublime – Badfish
Sublime – Santeria
Sublime – What I’ve Got
The Fray – How To Save A Life (capo 2)
The Killers – Mr. Brightside
The Killers – When You Were Young (capo 4)
The Nixons – Sister
The Outfield – Your Love
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus – Face Down (key: Am)
The Rolling Stones - Wild Horses
Tom Petty – Last Dance With Mary Jane/Dani California
Tom Petty – Free Falling (capo 2)
Tommy Tutone – 8675309 Jenny
Tonic – If You Could Only See
Tonic – Open Up Your Eyes (drop d)
U2 – One
U2 – Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For (capo 1)
Vertical Horizon – Everything You Want
Vertical Horizon – You’re A God
Violent Femmes – Blistur In the Sun
Weezer – Beverly Hills
Weezer – Say It Ain’t So