Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Change of events...

Ups & Downs...and Curve Balls.
Alright...two posts ago, I announced my last day at my 9-5 would be July 31st. Let me give you a little background info. See, if you work for the School Board as a teacher, and you don't have a degree in Education, you have to become certified as a teacher. If you're a Social Worker, doing Social Work, you have to become certified as a teacher too. It makes no sense. Teacher certification for a Business degreed individual makes sense - they need to show they can teach. Teacher certification for a Social Worker doing Social Work...doesnt' make sense.

So in order to keep my job, I had up to July 31st to pass the test. The test is on teaching theory. Anyway, I took it twice...and did not pass. I scheduled a 3rd time to take it (today) but had decided in my mind, that it wasn't worth the trouble to study (I don't even like my job, so why am I going to fight to keep it). Well, I took the test today and passed it...and I'm not excited. My fate was decided...now it's not...now I have a choice. Rana and I will discuss our many options...but one definite option is to sell our house...anyone interested?

Oh, by the way (from previous post), I finished all 431 foto edits yesterday (this morning)...

- freewiser ezra

Lots of obstacles!

Ok...so my last post I declared my soon dependency on photography...now starts the ups and downs...

The last two days have been super frustrating...even worthy of me crying.  After two weeks of working on my new website, it reverted back to week 1.  All my work was lost...I nearly fell apart. Instead I stayed up until 2:3oam and finished my website.

Today, I just finished 431 edits...it's taken like 4 days to edit them....I went to review the pictures...not one of the edits actually occurred.  See, the action I created, for some reason was sending the fotos to a file that never existed...
So what do I do...I stay up late again...so far 100 photos edited...

This is really discouraging and very disheartening...it definitely plants little seeds of doubt when you experience these obstacles over and over again.  It's as if someone doesn't want me to follow through with this.  But I won't quit...b/c the other alternative is by far worse....9-5...40 hours a week...rush hour traffic...and more tragic stories...no thank you!

Let me get back to editing...

-freewiser ezra

Friday, June 26, 2009

freewiser resurrects...

Ok...I've been gone for so long that I almost forgot the password.  I was thinking about shutting down freewisers, but on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th thought I decided to try to keep it rolling...
The purpose of the freewiser blog is to document our experiences as an entreprenuer.  

So here we go.  As most of you know, as I have made mention before, I'm a Social Worker...and I currently work for Duval County Public Schools...this is my main source of income...and my unhappiness!  So as of August 1st, my main source of income will be photography.  Yup, I decided to cut the cord...but not because I'm booking enough gigs...or because my wife got a raise at her job and we can now afford to live off of her income (because if you know me well enough, my wife stays at home raising the little ones...I'm the only source of income...).  It's not because I was frugal enough to save 6 months worth of living costs...God no...I wish.  It's because I can't stand my job anymore...I am miserable at work...and in my field (Social Work) you can't afford to feel that way...too many people are depending on you.  So instead of making myself more miserable...and eventually letting that misery affect my clients, co-workers, and my health (which has already taken it's toll) I'm calling it quits...I'm walking away!  

And this is why FREEWISER has resurrected...to document this journey...to document the economic uncertainties...to document the fear of losing it all...to document triumph and relief...

So join along...and please root for me!

- freewiser ezra